Sunday 2 December 2012

DECONSTRUCTION: Chungking Express

Chungking Express is a romance/mystery/comedy/drama set around Hong Kong's notorious Chungking Mansions. After watching the trailer, we found that we were influenced some of the stylistic elements, and have deconstructed the trailer to have a better understanding of them. The full trailer can be seen here.

Age rating screen informing audience as to whether it is appropriate or not

Film distributor- Miramax Films who are known for distributing independent and foreign films
Dramatic orchestra score begins (non diegetic) - rising and falling violins etc

Establishing the location - low key lighting outdoor shots of the surrounding area - industrial looking, polluted built-up area
Voiceover (non diegetic) - "On the streets of Hong Kong..." - setting up the narrative

More establishing - low angle shot, low key lighting - sky is barely visible - dark and polluted area to live
Voiceover (non diegetic) - "On the streets of Hong Kong..." - setting up the narrative

Slightly low angle shot of woman with blonde curly hair, sunglasses and beige trench coat entering a lift  - mystery, hiding
Voiceover (non diegetic) - "A mysterious woman..." - character establishment

Lift door closing -  shutting woman out, taking her elsewhere - following her journey
Voiceover (non diegetic) - "A mysterious woman..." - character establishment

Man in busy marketplace looking around
Wearing a shirt and tie with beige jacket - like blonde woman - suggests a link between the characters?
Voiceover (non diegetic) - "A young cop..." - further character establishment

Trying to avoid the busy people - suggests struggles and obstacles in the plot
Voiceover (non diegetic) - "A young cop..." - further character establishment

Young woman sitting at countertop - looks like a restaurant - food around and wearing apron - job?
Leaning on hand - looks troubled or thoughtful
Low key lighting with light shining on her face - hope? Reflective of voiceover "dreamer"
Voiceover (non diegetic) - "And an innocent dreamer..." - introducing another character
Blonde woman in same market as cop - looking over shoulder - avoiding him, up to no good
Voiceover (non diegetic) - "...are about to meet"

Point of view from blonde woman's perspective -looking back
Man carrying a shop dummy with blonde curly hair - blocking view
Voiceover (non diegetic) - "where mystery and romance..." - establishing the genre and plot expectations

 Cop catches doll mistaking for blonde woman
Voiceover - "collide..." - reflective of scene unfolding and helping establish the rough plot
Orchestral music fades to a rock song (non diegetic)

 Blonde woman fires gun in air 3 times consecutively (diegetic)
Music- "Dream Person" by Faye Wong (a take on the song by The Cranberries) (non diegetic) - allows people of various nationalities to recognise and relate
Song title links to the "dreamer"
 Blonde woman fires gun in air 3 times consecutively (diegetic)
Quicker paced, fast cuts
Motion blur used - confusion and fear
Blonde woman fires gun in air 3 times consecutively (diegetic)
Quicker paced, fast cuts
Motion blur used - confusion and fear

Film distributors listed in white with black background
Voiceover (non diegetic) - "Miramax Films and Rolling Thunder Pictures present..." - highlighting the different distributors

Title in centre of screen getting larger - yellow with white on black background - bold and bright and in two separate parts
Voiceover (non diegetic) - "Wong Kar-Wai's Chungking Express" - introduces director, putting a name to the film

Title cross blur to close up of leg on bed with person running toy plane up leg
Link to innocence, childlike - link to "dreamer"

Close up of leg on bed with person running toy plane up leg
Link to innocence, childlike - link to "dreamer"
Sound effect - plane taking off (non diegetic) - travel, journey
Low key lighting, man laying back brushing stuffed toy fur - further link to childhood, innocence, dreaming

Woman peering over shoulder looking back - medium shot 
Sceptical facial expression, watching someone/something
Voiceover (non diegetic) - "Time Magazine calls it..."
Voiceover (non diegetic) - "A Delicious Romance!" - highlighting the reviews, encouraging target audience to watch
Close up of woman turning head - camera follows her eyeline
Low key lighting - some lighting in background - romantic, atmospheric
Camera pans to medium shot of cop - love interest - attention averted - unrequited? complications? 
Side shot of man and woman kissing - him restraining her - dominant, control, power
Light from window behind - hope

Woman in apron dancing - medium shot - medium lighting
Carefree, happiness - mood of trailer becoming more positive
Female singer starts singing in Chinese - "Dream Person" The Cranberries cover (non diegetic)

Woman opens door and looks up - medium shot
Curious facial expression - not expecting anyone

Medium shot of cop standing at door looking up at her - looks innocent
Slightly higher angle - power switch - she's in control
Longer shot from behind cop with him in shot too
She screams (diegetic) and slams the door shut
She's in control of the situation

Voiceover (non diegetic) - "A Knockout... Terrifically Stylish!..." - highlighting the reviews, encouraging target audience to watch

Close up shot from the floor of womans foot stepping into the shot
Low key lighting - night time - darkness - dark things happening
Voiceover (non diegetic) - "...raves the Los Angeles Times"
Medium/close up shot of blonde woman with sunglasses on smoking
Night - looking negatively upon her
Voiceover (non diegetic) - "...raves the Los Angeles Times"

Medium/close up shot of blonde woman with sunglasses exhaling smoke
Looks troubled
Night - negative, in the dark

High angle shot of woman going into apartment and shutting door - looking around, checking for intruders?

Medium shot woman pulling cloth off table- anger, frustration?
Clash of symbols in none diegetic song - adds to idea of anger, frustration

Long low angle shot of woman leaning out open window throwing paper plane
Dull, gloomy buildings around contrasted with the innocence associated with paper planes

Pan following paper plane going through air
Dull, gloomy buildings around contrasted with the innocence associated with paper planes

Medium/long shot as woman falls back on sofa -carefree, change from the anger/frustration to more laidback

Medium shot of woman dancing in room - reflective of earlier dancing, carefree tone
Slightly low key lighting with light from windows behind - hope, innocence

Long shot through window of policeman peering in - obsession, infatuation, love?
Voiceover (non diegetic) - "And LA Weekly calls it..."

Voiceover (non diegetic) -"A Genuine Wonder! Intoxicating from first frame to last!" - highlighting the reviews, encouraging target audience to watch

High angle long shot of cop running along road - urgency, obsession
Song - several drum beats - reflect running pace

Long shot pan down from ceiling to blonde woman - reflects cop before running -similar motives?

 Several rapid medium shots of blonde woman looking around, being followed, or looking for someone/something? Faster pace reflects urgency?
Several rapid medium shots of blonde woman looking around, being followed, or looking for someone/something? Faster pace reflects urgency?
High angle close up of woman's hand (blonde woman?) taking gun out of a small locker - danger, nails are red which also carries connotations of danger
Long shot of blonde woman hitting wall and turning to walk down corridor towards camera - anger, excitement?

Long shot of several men running towards camera - chase, danger? Links to clip before - like they're chasing her, or she's chasing them?
Low key lighting reflects potential danger

Several rapid shots of woman looking around and continuing to run - long shot - public place? Signs all round - danger is everywhere?

Gun shot followed by next shot fading in with white wash - white carries connotations of coldness or purity - contrast to shooting

Long angled shot of woman walking away into light - leaving darkness behind, leaving danger and wrong-doing behind in the dark

Close up of blonde woman dropping wig on floor - disguise, deceit, reflects her leaving darkness behind and stepping into light - life without danger?

Voiceover (non diegetic) - "Chungking Express, a film by Wong Kar-Wai" - highlights titles that's on screen

Credits - important information only - production company, producer, director etc
Music fades out

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